Rice in Hands

May 11, 2021

Why We Do What We Do

Feeding the world isn’t just altruism - it is a basic need to sustain life. The Integrated Food Systems Leadership faculty and leadership team have worked across most aspects of the food production system that provides food to people all over the world. So why does this team choose to focus efforts and energy on education through the University of Minnesota, instead of working directly in the food system?

PUBLIC SERVICE: Food security - having physical and economic access to sufficient, safe and nutritious food that meets dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life - can literally make a difference in someone’s life. We know that the global food system faces an immense task of feeding almost 10 billion people by 2050 in a way that preserves and sustains the planet. Imagine a world without hunger, without food insecurity, that we help create one action at a time by adding the most value where we are. We’ve taken our experiences and expertise from across the food system and offer that as our contribution to this lofty goal. We know that our public service, where we add the most value, is in growing leaders to feed the future.

TEAMWORK: Creating a hunger-free world with sustainable food production will take all sizes, styles, and means of food production. We believe that every production system - large and small, local and global, conventional and organic - plays a role in achieving a hunger-free and equitable food system. We are committed to helping everyone work together to achieve personal and professional success for a better food future. Strong collaboration and inclusive attitudes also drive how our team works behind the scenes to bring relevant content to you, including support from multiple colleges within the University of Minnesota.

SCALE: People work at their best when they see the big picture, their portion of it, how they fit into the food system continuum, and why that matters. For some of us, it took portions of our careers to learn the importance of breaking down barriers and working across divisions within our employers in order to be more effective. The faster we share this learning with you, the faster you will be able to lead positive change within your scope of influence – and the world.

PASSION: We are a group that loves food, and we appreciate the range from simple foods that nourish people for health, all the way to high-end restaurant experiences with unique, creative food and social connections. Food is good, and food is life. If you feel that passion as well, we invite you to join our mission and become a leader to feed the future.

Want to be part of IFSL's mission to build the next generation of leaders across the food system to work more effectively together? Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. The 2021 program begins in September with applications due by July 15. Schedule a consultation call for more information.